Thursday, August 15, 2013

What is RWD?

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is the latest buzzword in web circles.

It is a term that describes websites that have been designed to meet the various different sizes of browsers and devices that are used today to access websites.

The increasing uptake of smartphones and tablets to access the world wide web and the variety of sizes that these new devices have, not to mention if they are used in portrait or landscape form have made it necessary for websites to be more adaptable.

What RWD does is takes the initial website design concept and allows it to be fluid so that it adapts to the various sizes. Rather than in previous years, where you had to design one site for each browser size and mobile device, now you design one site that adapts! Saves time and effort and in small business, money as well!

If you'd like to know more, please email me on

Kind regards

Enchanted Web

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